We’re pleased to be delivering 18 distinct Reminiscence sessions with older people across Brighton and Hove for QueenSpark Books between now and March 2020 for their Archives Alive project, which is funded by the National Heritage Lottery Fund.
We participated in a great project recently ‘The Unremembered’ to commemorate the brave sacrifices of the Labour Corps especially those from across the globe – in particular black and minority ethnic soldiers, and their heroic contribution to the war effort.
Pleased to see two Brighton landmarks in this list of old breweries of note in the UK just published in the Built to Brew document from Historic England. This links in nicely with our Ale and Hearty project from 2014, although a shame that Harveys Brewery in Lewes wasn’t mentioned.
Strike a Light set up a You Tube channel for its’ work recently and the first post for us was a film we made a few years back with filmmaker Si Mitchell of The Mono Grande (a film production company). We wanted to find ways to celebrate the positives of aging and compiled interviews and events with older people in Brighton and Hove.