Strike a Light set up a You Tube channel for its’ work recently and the first post for us was a film we made a few years back with filmmaker Si Mitchell of The Mono Grande (a film production company). We wanted to find ways to celebrate the positives of aging and compiled interviews and events with older people in Brighton and Hove.
The film is just under 15 mins long and It’s called Hope Springs Eternal hope springs eternal flyer sept 2011View it by clicking on the film title.
The film continues to receive positive responses. The fim was previously screened at the wonderful event White Night 2011 in Brighton as part of a wider event organised by Strike a Light also called ‘Hope Springs Eternal’.It was shown again in December at Fabrica gallery as part of the ‘Relativity’ event.
The White Night programme for events in Brighton had the theme Utopia and Strike a Light’s event took place at Pavilion Gardens, Brighton and around 1,000 people attended.
You can see the White Night programme here:
‘Taking part in the ‘Hope Springs Eternal’ film was an interesting experience. I so hope that such a film will help to inspire similar events’.