Reminiscence in Depth– 10:00 – 16:00
The training days will offer a more extensive exploration of reminiscence work. They will include a detailed background to the subject and consider the benefits to be derived by both the people who reminisce and those who listen.
We will explore a wide variety of reminiscence activities, which can be used to trigger personal memories and help a group to work well together.
We will also consider the dividing lines between the role of a reminiscence facilitator and that of a counsellor/therapist along with the ethical issues that throws up.
The two days will be interspersed with opportunities for the group to experience reminiscence activities, and group members will be encouraged throughout to contribute their own experience and ideas.
By the end of the training, participants will have gained insight into what reminiscence is as a structured activity, and how it can be successfully and productively carried out.
A free training pack with resources for each participant is provided as part of the course.
Lots of ideas to go away and research – good to meet others and share experiences and ideas. I feel more confident to go away and plan some reminiscence activities. I have more insight into the benefits and what’s involved.
– Course participant