Strike a Light – Arts & Heritage has a special booking rate of £7.50 per hour for affordable central Brighton room rental, so make some savings whilst you can!
Strike a Light – Arts & Heritage has a special Christmas offer for room bookings for our central Brighton studio.
Book between today and 21st December for dates in 2019 and you will get the 2018 rate for a session of £7 per hour.
From 22nd December 2018, our booking rate rises to £7.50 per hour, so make some savings whilst you can!
Strike a Light – Arts & Heritage will run a creative vision board workshop on Sunday 19th November 1-4.30pm at our studio, based upstairs at the Open Market, Marshalls Row, Brighton.
Strike a Light – Arts & Heritage will run a creative vision board workshop on Sunday 19th November 1-4.30pm at our studio, based upstairs at the Open Market, Marshalls Row, Brighton.
The books for our Remembering together: Making a life history book course have arrived!
They are beautiful to look at, with a gold emboss, 40 pages to create a life history with, and tie up with a black ribbon. These are included as part of the course fee.
Only two places left on the course which starts on Thursday 6th April 10am-1pm so book your place now!