We’re pleased to be delivering oral history training this summer in Eastbourne for East Sussex County Council to encourage new skills in young LGBT people in East Sussex so that they can record interviews with older LGBT people across the county.
We have received funding from The Homity Trust towards a new project called ‘Wild at Heart’. This project is a partnership between Strike a Light – Arts & Heritage, the Low Carbon Trust based at Brighton’s Earthship, and the Restorative Justice Department of Children’s Services, in Brighton & Hove City Council.
Book your free workshop places for young people (ages 7-14) here for activities between 28th Aug and 1st Sept: http://bit.ly/2v2kb8K
Illustrator and community artist Tina Tighe will be running a series of free workshops for Strike a Light – Arts & Heritage on The Barge kids summer arts residency in Brighton Marina next month.
Places are FREE but booking essential!
Watch this short film from The Orange Lilies project: http://bit.ly/2uLSrVD
Only 5 free tickets left for our free youth arts Fishing Fun workshop taking place at The Barge based in Brighton Marina on Monday 28th August at 10.30am.
We’ll be making our own magnetic fish and fishing poles to take away with you!
There is still space on the afternoon session which is the same and starts at 2.30pm.
Book your free place now!
Talented puppeteer Fran Malone of Herringbone Arts will be running six Pirate Puppet making workshops for Strike a Light – Arts & Heritage at our youth arts summer residency in August.
Bring your kids and young people (ages 7-14) for these free piratical puppetry sessions on 29th August, 31st August and 1st September – each day there are two workshops at 10.30am and 2.30pm.
The Orange Lilies project runs until July 2017, and we have free events and activities taking place throughout the rest of the project. https://theorangelilies.wordpress.com/