Tag: Participants

That’s all for 2018!

Strike a Light – Arts & Heritage is bowing out until the new year to have a well earned break.
Thank you to everyone who’s been involved with our activities and projects in 2018, whether through being a participant, a volunteer, a freelancer, a director or attending a course. It’s been great to work with you all and we’ve very much enjoyed it!
We’ll be back from 4th January 2019 with lots of new events, and look forward to seeing you then.

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Armistice centenary 2018 – Strike a Light attends memorial at Westminster Abbey

We’re off to Westminster Abbey in London this Sunday 11th November for the special centenary commemorations of World War I along with the Royal Family, for our work with Strike a Light-Arts & Heritage on The Orange Lilies: Brighton & Hove in the Somme project from 2016 onwards.
We’re very honoured to have been invited and feel like we’re representing all the fantastic Great War focussed projects in Brighton and Hove on a national level.

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