Tag: exhibition

The Orange Lilies Community History Event – 22nd November

The Orange Lilies – Brighton & Hove in the Somme project welcomes booking for a free upcoming WWI community history event commemorating the end of The Somme in Brighton and Hove.
Come along on Friday 18th November 2-5pm to hear speakers, view exhibitions and resources, and enjoy free tea and pastries courtesy of the Gateways to the First world War project.
To book your free place, please visit: http://bit.ly/2du2tPV
Details below and here: the-orange-lilies-community-history-event-18th-nov-2016
Contact: theorangelilies@gmail.com with any queries

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Ale and Hearty Exhibition for Heritage Open Days

Ale and Hearty Exhibition – Brighton
Friday 9th September 1-7pm & Saturday 1-5pm
Mezzanine Level, 8 Marshalls Row, Open Market, Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, BN1 4JU
An exhibition specially for Heritage Open Days which focuses on the history of brewing in Lewes, East Sussex and its related industrial and agricultural links from the 18th Century to the present day, a period of some 200 years. The exhibition looks at Lewes’s working life in relation to Breweries, agricultural workers and rural life and trades. It also links in with abstinence and religious culture locally at the time, as well as a clear relation between trades and society through social clubs.
The exhibition runs along these thematic lines –
Breweries in decline
Hops and songs
old breweries
Revival of micro breweries
A project in partnership with Harveys Brewery.

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The Orange Lilies project at Brighton event – 25th June

Our new project The Orange Lilies will be taking part at Brighton’s Armed Forces Day this year on Saturday 25th June 9.30-2pm. It’s a free day and will see exhibitions, performance, music and drop in activities taking place at the Dome Studio and on New Road too.
Why not come along and say hello and share your family history about Brighton and Hove in the Somme!

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Pavilion Blues

An enjoyable session today at Brighton Museum at the Pavilion Blues exhibition with participants from our Boys on the Plaque – Conversation Cafes group who meet on the second Wednesday of every mont

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Brighton Museum speaker at Conversation Cafe in May

This month’s session is on Wednesday 11th May at Jubilee Library, Brighton from 2.30-4.30pm. Free and all welcome!
Jo Palache from Brighton Museum will be our speaker at next month’s Conversation Cafe. She will talk about piecing together the stories of the Pavilion Military Hospital from it’s beginnings treating Indian Soldiers to its work with British amputees.

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