Freelance posts for Queenspark Books, Brighton

Palace_Pier_Alt_BrightonV2QueenSpark Books is the UK’s longest-running community publisher; since 1972 we have published 100 books about the people, communities and history of Brighton & Hove, and we host a number of local literature and historical websites.
Our latest project is Brighton Trans*formed, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (for further information about the project, please visit:

We are looking for an Exhibition Co-ordinator who will lead a collaborative process with 5 trans* volunteers – leading them in aspects/principles of design and display in order for them to inform the content of the exhibition.
We are looking for a book designer who will lead a collaborative process with 2 trans* volunteers – leading them in aspects/principles of book design in order for them to inform the published book. The book will be edited material drawn from transcribed interviews with (up to 20) trans* individuals, and accompanying photographs.

Please email: for more information